What confidentiality and conflict of interest are there for peer assessors?


Confidentiality is taken very seriously at ArtsNL. Assessors must not reveal that they are part of an assessment committee. Assessors are not to discuss any aspect of an application with anyone other thanĀ ArtsNL staff and other assessment committee members.


ArtsNL defines a conflict of interest as any situation in which an individual could potentially be viewed as promoting a private or personal interest in which they or a related party are involved.

ArtsNL tries to ensure no assessor will be in a conflict of interest with any application they will be assessing. If an assessor does find they have a potential conflict of interest with an application, then they must contact the program officer immediately to discuss the situation. In most cases, it can be arranged for an assessor to leave the room for the discussion of the particular application. However, if an assessor has a conflict with several applications, or the conflict of interest could undermine the fairness of the assessment process, an assessor could be replaced. This decision is made at the discretion of the program officer in consultation with ArtsNL’s executive director.

Relationships and positions that would lead an assessor to be in a potential conflict of interest include:

  • Having any direct family relationship to an applicant
  • Being the spouse, life partner, or currently dating an applicant
  • Being a current staff or board member of an organization seeking funding
  • Being a collaborator or employee for a project seeking funding
  • Any situation in which an assessor feels they cannot make a fair and impartial review of an application.

ArtsNL Council members and staff are subject to the same conflict of interest guidelines as assessors.

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