The quality of your project description is directly related to your project plan. The more clearly you consider what you are going to do and how you are going to do it, the more effective your description will be.
Introduce your project description with a one or two sentence summary that simply states what you want to do and why you want to do it. Use plain language. The project description should also explain:
- What do you want to do? (What, if anything, will be the end product? How will it be researched and created? How will it be presented? What will you need to make this project happen?)
- Who will be involved? (Name all the key participants and be sure to include a bio or resume and, if possible, a letter from them discussing their role in the project.)
- Where will the project take place? (Will you need to travel? If so, where?)
- When will the project take place? This is a simple time line of what you see happening for your project. It simply shows you have some kind of plan. For example:
Creation..………………….. April 1-20 (3 weeks)
Production………………….. April 22-28 (1 week)
Tour……………………………. May 3-17 (2 weeks)
- Why do you want to do this project? (Why is it important for you as an artist or group to do this project? Is it part of your group’s mandate? Will it stretch you as an artist?)
All applicants are encouraged to contact the program manager/officer for review their application before it is submitted. Bring a copy of the initial draft of your application for comments. This assistance does not guarantee a successful application. An appointment with program staff can be booked online, or by contacting the ArtsNL office.